
Icon, actress, 倡导者和egot得主丽塔·莫雷诺在艾尔顿小镇度过了阵亡将士纪念日的周末, Ohio, visiting her friend, 观看著名的阵亡将士纪念日游行,最重要的是帮助筹集资金,支持俄亥俄州她认为是“自己的小波多黎各”的年轻人和社区.

Samantha Pelham | June 4, 2024


In the heart of the small town of Ironton, Ohio, where the longest-running Memorial Day parade in the nation proudly marches, 舞台和银幕偶像丽塔·莫雷诺以她的幽默和真心为newbb电子平台南校区的鲍曼礼堂增添了光彩. At 92 years young, Moreno, an EGOT winner, 用她精彩的俏皮话和她传奇生活中的轶事来取悦观众, alongside her manager and longtime friend, Ironton native John Ferguson.

虽然莫雷诺访问艾尔顿是为了访问弗格森,并参观著名的阵亡将士纪念日游行, it was not only for leisure; it was also a heartfelt gesture of support for the local community. Upon Ferguson's invitation, 莫雷诺急切地同意免费为一场募捐活动献声 OHIO Southern’s Bobcat Academy, a summer camp for local children, and the Ironton Rotary nursing scholarships, which empower aspiring nurses from the region.

“把任何艺术和文化表达带到我们的社区都非常重要,” Ohio University Southern Dean and Rotary member Deborah Marinski said. “Being in Ironton, 这所大学是该地区艺术和文化的中心,像丽塔·莫雷诺这样的传奇人物在这里分享她的故事,并访问我们的小镇,这让我无言以对.”

Moreno and community

Moreno visits with community members during the Memorial Day parade.

“我们很高兴丽塔能来到这里,也很感谢约翰为我们的社区带来了这个机会,” Marty Conley, President of the Ironton Rotary, said. “很高兴知道丽塔只是想享受我们家乡的游行,沉浸在我们的社区中. Her support in the process is truly remarkable. This event bolsters youth services in our area, aligning perfectly with the Rotary's commitment to community support. 丽塔对我们任务的参与是无价的,我们非常感谢她的影响."

During the conversation, Moreno reflected on pivotal moments in her life, from being present for Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, to winning an Oscar for her performance in “West Side Story,” as well as her journey from Puerto Rico, to New York, to Hollywood and the challenges that brought. 她分享了一些亲密的故事和诙谐的俏皮话,让观众笑得无法控制,并强调了教育和社区支持的重要性, drawing from her experience on the hit children’s show “The Electric Company.”

莫雷诺很高兴能在节目中发挥自己的才能来教育孩子, 然而,她也认识到,教育的范围已经超出了年轻人. 她指出,在美国学习英语的成年人也会看这个节目来提高他们的语言技能.

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Ferguson shows Moreno a clip from her time on "The Electric Company."

It's not enough to be beautiful, 你必须接受教育,这样才能让你有尊严. 你带着它,但只有当你以最重要的方式照顾你自己时,你才能做到这一点.

Rita Moreno

The Bobcat Academy, a longstanding program paused due to the pandemic, 不仅为艾尔顿的孩子们提供了教育机会,还为他们提供了人脉, resources, valuable life skills such as health and wellness, cooking and more, and allows them to get a sense of what college could be like. 学院还为学生提供每天的膳食和在那里学习期间有用的物品, as well as at home. Through the event's proceeds and community generosity, 今年7月,该学院将重新点燃其使命,为家庭提供丰富的教育和负担得起的夏季托儿服务.

newbb电子平台学院是我们社区的变革力量,以负担得起的价格为孩子们提供暑期学习机会, ensuring accessibility and educational experiences for families in the area,” Marinski emphasized.

Additionally, 扶轮护理奖学金为当地传统和非传统的学生提供了在医疗保健方面接受教育的途径 Southern campus or elsewhere. By investing in these individuals, the community fosters a cycle of giving back, 许多受助人回到家乡担任医疗保健专业人员.

OHIO’s nursing program 吸引传统和非传统的学生,以便有机会获得奖学金,以支持他们的教育和职业目标, as well as their professional path is really important,” Marinski added. “作为教育工作者和扶轮社员,我们的主要目标之一是使教育更容易获得,无论学生选择去哪里, 从他们的行动和言语中可以明显看出,他们对这种认可和得到这个机会是多么感激.” 

During her captivating conversation, Moreno also delved into themes of resilience, 与扶轮为期一年的强调妇女与心理健康的活动完全一致. Moreno embodies this commitment through her efforts to empower women, particularly Latina women, and her openness about mental health issues. 她不仅是一位文化偶像,也是一位热情的倡导者和人道主义者.

For Ferguson, Moreno's visit symbolized a bridge between worlds, showcasing the common humanity that unites us all. He applauded Moreno's humility and advocacy for social causes, urging others to embrace empathy and understanding.

“I’m very pleased Rita is here for a number of reasons,” Ferguson said. “我们今天的世界是如此分割,很多人认为纽约和洛杉矶的人与美国中部的人不同,我认为很高兴看到像丽塔这样的人自己系鞋带,而且真的很关心别人。. 听到她表达自己对我们小镇给她的感觉的感激之情真是太棒了. 我认为这一切中有价值的信息是,在你试图讲述自己的故事之前,花点时间听听别人的故事,我认为这就是丽塔所做的和正在做的.”

In her closing remarks, Moreno expressed her affection for Ironton, 她的话引起了深刻的共鸣,并概括了她所珍惜的社区的热情和好客.

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莫雷诺(中)和她的朋友兼经纪人一起观看艾尔顿阵亡将士纪念日游行, Ferguson (left).


As the evening drew to a close, the audience basked in Moreno's presence, inspired by her words and energized by the collective spirit of giving back.

“我们很高兴你来到艾尔顿,来到这个校园,为我们的社区提供了这个机会, 你是一个绝对的鼓舞,不仅对这个房间里的每一个人,而且对我们的社区,” Marinski remarked at the end of the event. “我们很高兴你们能够为我们做这件事,你们在一起可以在很多方面帮助我们社区的孩子. I can’t express how important that is to all of us.”